1- Arab Univ J Agric Sci is a double-blinded peer-reviewed journal. At least two reviewers in the MS field are assigned for each MS. All the reviewing process is confidential and takes place only within the MS page on the journal website.
2- The authors should propose at least three reviewers, indicating their names, specializations, organizations, and e-mails. The suggested reviewers are often not selected by the editor but added to the journal reviewer database.
3- Reviewers are often selected from the journal database as well as from Publons and JANE websites.
4- Reviewers have four choices either accept, minor revision, major revision, or rejection; in each case, the reviewer writes a report rationalizing his/her decision. In the second and third cases, authors respond to the reviewers’ comments then the MS is re-evaluated by the same reviewers.
5- If there is incompatibility between the reviewers, the MS is sent to a third or more reviewers, and the decision would be taken by the editor.
6- MS is accepted only when finally approved by at least two reviewers specialized in the field and the editor.