Management of Irrigation Water for Cucumber Crop by Using Drip Irrigation Systems under Greenhouse

Document Type : Original Article


1 Agricultural Engineering Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt

2 Irrigation and Drainage Department, Agricultural Engineering Research Institute (AENRI), Agricultural Research Center, Giza, Egypt


This study aimed to examine the consequences of three regimes for irrigation on cucumber crops and their growth indication, production, and water productivity under greenhouse cultivation. Cucumber seedlings were planted in May 2018 under a greenhouse condition. Three regimes of drip irrigation were examined, first 100%, 80%, and 50% of ETc namely T1, T2, and T3, respectively. The second regime was systems of drip irrigation (sur-face and sub-surface irrigation). Finally, the third was dripper discharge which used (2 l/h and 4 l/h). Results indicated clearly that the best production was under 80% ETc regime by 2 l/h dripper for surface and subsurface that was 10.1 and 11.2 ton/greenhouse respectively with IR 172 m3/season and the best regime by using 4 l/h was 50% ETc for surface and sub-surface respectively  which was 11 and 11.5 ton/greenhouse with IR 216 m3/season which saved about half a quantity of irrigation water. On the other hand, the very best water productivity value (WP) was under 80% ETc was 58.7 and 65.4 kg/m3 under surface (S) and sub-surface (SS) drip irrigation respectively by 2 l/h dripper flow rate.
