An Economic Analysis Study of the Structural Composition of the Labor Market in the Egyptian Agricultural Sector

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agricultural, Menofia University, Shebin Elkom, Egypt.

2 Department of Business Administration, College of Administrative and Financial Sciences, King Khalid University, Abha, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

3 Researcher at the Agricultural Research Center, Agricultural Economy Research Institute, Egypt.


يAgricultural production is characterized by seasonality that leads to an imbalance in agri-cultural labor market. However, this is pre-sumably due to the imbalance between the sea-sonal agricultural labor demand and supply, thus, resulting seasonal unemployment. This paper aims to investigate and analyze the struc-ture of Egyptian agricultural labor market throughout the period 2000-2020 via employ-ing econometric tools. The results show that, the agricultural disguised employment does not consider permeant agricultural labor its source, but rather it is due to seasonal agricul-tural employment, due to its negative marginal productivity, in which is the main cause for disguised unemployment appearance.
