Document Type : Original Article


Rural Sociology & Agricultural Extension Dept., Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt


The research was qualitative analysis of media campaign for the super judicial Committee for Elections and the special election Parliament 2011 drew the attention of the researcher, and to identify the extent of public evaluation of the technical elements of the campaign media (sound effects - time - repetition - content - Graphic Design), and to identify the rate reminds respondents of messages each the ring alone episodes of the media campaign, and to identify the sources of information respondents own messages, which came rings media campaign, and to identify the most important factors associated with and influencing the rate remember the respondents to the messages the field on No. (2) title (the new electoral system), and to identify the most episodes watch for of the respondents, and more episodes benefit from the point of view of respondents, and to identify the degree of preference of the respondents to see the other campaigns competition was broadcast at the same timing of the campaign and compare them to see the degree of preference for the campaign..
Was chosen Qaliubiya because they fall within the provinces of electoral phase third in the division of electoral constituencies and thus been exposed respondents to the episodes longer periods compared to the audience the first phase and second any been watching the respondents to the campaign media a period of about three months was chosen (75), a woman from the tables special election province and that of three villages within the three centers Qalubia a (village Sndhur center Banha), and (village Ojhor major center Tookh), and (village notching Shebin Qanater) and so random sample, was limited to women without men of
the weakness of the political participation of women in the Egypt before the revolution of January 25, the questionnaire was used personal interviews to collect research data during the months of June and July 2012 and using antipersonnel frequencies, percentages and Chi-square test x2 to analyze research data. The results showed qualitative analysis that rings the campaign theme of the study were presented equally and used loppying emotional and logical questions loppying and cartoons, and taken them that they did not support the means of communication other, nor is used as colors impressively, in addition to a lot of messages in a specified time, and in the evaluate the campaign has indicated a sample of know-how to appropriate all of the sound effects (73.3%) of the respondents, and the time (92%) of the respondents, and the rate of repetition (100%), and content (100%) of the respondents, whereas the total score of staying lost the medium from the viewpoint of respondents the results also indicated that the most important factors affecting the rate of recall of respondents to the messages of true second episode (education, age, number of viewing hours, the profession, the number of times watch the episode, the way the media favorite, the quality of favorite programs, media campaigns, competition, quality TV favorite, repetition, time, design, sound effects, which explains some (86.6%) of the variation in the rate of recall of respondents to messages Episode (2) entitled the new electoral system, while the remaining percentage of (13.4%) can be attributed to other variables, and found View more episodes and more episodes also benefit from the attention of the respondents is episode number (2). Study also concluded that the most important factors affecting the degree of preference of the respondents Show media campaigns and other competition is the presence of people and representatives , colors, suitable time with content.
